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We take your privacy seriously.

When you visit our website, our servers collect only technical information about you
(web browser type, IP address, etc.) and also may track which pages you visit on our site.
As long as you are not logged in, this information is anonymous and we use it only to
create anonymous statistics. We never sell or otherwise make these statistics available
to third parties. We may provide the information collected about you, in cases of fraud
or other criminal activity, if we are subpoenaed to do so by competent legal authority.

This website may use cookies. Cookies store technical information that allow better
interaction with your browser and may identify you on subsequent visits.

Our website may also use Google Analytics to collect non-identifying and aggregate
information to improve our website and your experience while visiting our website.

We do not collect personally identifiable information, nor do we provide identifiable
information to any third parties, except as noted in paragraph two above.